Friday, May 21, 2010

Zodiac by Neal Stephenson

cover of ZodiacTwo centuries after the Boston Tea Party, harbor dumping is still a favorite local sport, only this time time it's major corporations piping toxic wastes into the water. Environmentalist and professional pain in the ass Sangamon Taylor is Boston's modern-day Paul Revere, spreading the word from a 40-horsepower Zodiac raft. Embarrassing powerful corporations in highly telegenic ways is the perfect method of making enemies, and Taylor has a collection that would do any rabble-rouser proud.

After his latest exploit, he's wanted by the FBI, possibly the Mafia, and definitely by a group of Satanist angel-dust heads who think he's looking for a PCP factory, not PCB contamination. Pretty soon dodging bullets is the least of Taylor's problems---because somewhere out there are an unhinged genetic engineer and a lab-concocted bacterium that could destroy all ocean life...and that's just for appetizers.

Zodiac; the eco-thriller (1988)
Bantam Spectra Books
cover art by Bruce Jensen
308 pages
my rating : 8/10

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